The Moncton Market is known as a great place to find great food on Saturday mornings, but I have never heard of it being a place to grab an awesome poutine. Even though diamond in the rough may not exactly describe the environment where Belle’s wagon is, the Moncton Market certainly cannot be said to be a poutine mecca.
Heading there on Saturday morning for fresh rhubarb I almost missed this opportunity. By the way, the rhubarb has nothing more to do with this story so feel free to forget why I was there.
As one of the outdoor merchants in Festival Place, Belle’s stands out for its breakfast on a bun offering, but at the bottom of the large billboard attached to the side of the wagon there are four types of poutine listed: Traditional, Burger, Meat Lovers, and the Christmas Special (basically, turkey and all the fixings).
Now on a regular day, I would have taken mental note of this anomaly, added it to the list of places to visit, and moved on; especially given it wasn’t yet 10 am! But watching the cook through the order window somehow in one fluid motion place a potato in the French fry cutter, cut them, and place the freshly cut potato into the deep fryer, I couldn’t help myself. Even though having poutine for breakfast wasn’t my best idea ever, it was well worth it. That said, I kept to the Traditional variety of poutine rather than seek a more adventurous kind.
Since I had one of my offspring in tow, this also allowed me the chance to share some of it with my two-and-a-half-year-old son, who gobbled up a few mouthfuls of fries, curds, and gravy like a pro. As he’s half-Quebecois, I consider this part of his heritage, it was a rite of passage.*
The poutine was so good in fact that it scored a .92 grade; which makes it the place to beat so far in Atlantic Canada. Just look at it with the sun glistening off the fries, curds, and gravy!

While Ed’s Sub was good, and I do recommend it since it scored a .78, it was not as good as I expected it to be considering the amount of people who recommended it to me.

Once again, let me know where your best poutines are and feel free to share your poutine story.
May your curds stay squeaky.
* If you have a complaint about my parenting, in this case or in any future matter, please tell it to the internet as I’m not interested in hearing about it.